The Movement
Augmented Reality (AR) added to rice paper prints. Custom algorithm drawn from the words of a person writing while imprisoned.
With Jesse Drew
Exhibited at the Barn Gallery (Woodland, CA).
REDUX vesrion exhibited at the 2023 Currents New Media Festival (Santa Fe, NM)
View REDUX version website.
A Working Lens
Photographs and text blocks from interviews with COVID workers, including truck drivers and fast food workers
With Jesse Drew and the Class Conscious Photographers Collective. View more.
Exhibited at John Natsoulas Center for the Arts and Silicon Valley De-Bug; reviewed in the Davis Enterprise
Imagining America
Website Redesign
With Pattie Chen, Margot Uchica Huaman, Daniel Lavados, Peter Lo, Bill Mead, Jamie Oka and Brett Snyder
Warped 2019
Co-PI on Placemaking Initiative to enact social change.
PI: Kim Yasuda (UCSB), Co-PIs: Shannon Jackson (UCB), Jennifer Parker (UCSC), Brett Snyder (UCD). Read more.
Logo by Brett Snyder.
Open Country
Film and new media project about politics and Country-Western music.
Read an interview with Jesse Drew on Pete Seeger.
Presented at ArtStreet (Sacramento), Artist's Television Access (San Francisco), Counterpulse (San Francisco),
View website.
Stories of Solidarity
Social media platform to build solidarity among precarious workers.
With Jesse Drew and others
Presented at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada); IAMCR 2013: Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication Orders (Dublin, Ireland); Art and New Media, Berkeley Center for New Media: Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium (UC Berkeley).
Read review 1 / Read review 2 / Visit site.
Wonder Wander
DES 225, Studio Practice in Design, exhibition based on the 2018-2019 Campus Community Book Project, The Book of Joy,
by Douglas Abrams.
Exhibited at the Shrem Museum of Artand the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts.
Read more.
Predominant work in this image by Jonathan Parris and E Marley.
Warped 2019
Makerfaire 2019
Series of interactive projects from DES 157, Interactive Media II, under the umbrella topic of Design for Diversity.
Freemotion embroidery tribute to the women who write and/or sing the songs that celebrate women. Superyonic!
By the Cliterates Collective.
Exhibited at the Jay Jay Gallery
Watch video.
Publicly engaged embroidery project serving as a practice of creativity and tool for the reclamation and celebration of our bodies.
By the Cliterates Collective.
Exhibited at Nasty Women Oakland, The Shrem Museum of Art and Unmarked Evidence (University of Arizona, Tucson)
Watch video.
Photo by Tom Maiorana.
Large-scale, site-specific, interactive installation that immerses children and their caregivers in a visual experience that is dazzled in color, light and reflection.
With Jiayi Young.
Exhibited at the Crocker Art Museum
Read review / Watch video.
Exit Through the Bathroom
DES 225, Studio Practice in Design, exhibition of interactive, "queer" studio apartment based on the 2017-2018 Campus Community Book Project, Redefining Realness by Janet Mock.
Watch video.
Postcard design by Adam Flint Taylor.
Instinct Extinct: The Great Pacific Flyway
Multi-disciplinary art and design installation explores and celebrates the biology, beauty, and bounty of the Pacific Flyway.
With Ann Savageau and Valerie Constantino.
Exhibited at Grace Hudson Museum,
Cal State University, Stanislaus, UC Davis Design Museum.
Read review.
Link to Leonardo Journal (print) essay.
Half-tone Goboscope
Projects progression of shadowy, halftone birds in flight.
Exhibited at Grace Hudson Museum, Cal State University, Stanislaus,
UC Davis Design Museum.
Wing It!
Stroboscope portraits of humans consdiering what flight and freedom mean to them.
Exhibited at Grace Hudson Museum,
Cal State University, Stanislaus, UC Davis Design Museum.
Voices of the Flyway
Interactive oral history and video database that includes a wide range of stories of connection to the Pacific Flyway.
Exhibited at Grace Hudson Museum,
Cal State University, Stanislaus, UC Davis Design Museum.
Immersive, interactive, film set space based on Open Country.
View website / Read article.
Out of Bounds
Media-archaeological statement on the futility (and injustice) of borders, again and again and again.
With Jesse Drew
Read more.
Mind Grown
Exhibition addresses issues all along the food chain, made in DES 225, Studio Practice in Design, based on the 2016-2017 Campus Community Book Project, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System by Raj Patel. The projects from production to consumption, and touch on concerns that include labor practices, health and nutrition, local food programs, the meat industry, and social aspects of dining.
Postcard by Jenni Cadieux.
Read more.
Series of sassy handkerchiefs for women.
Read more.
Color Games
Interactive color games for the Crocker Art Arc, made in DES 157, Interactive Media II.
Interface design by Deborah Bazsuly.
View the website.
Young Designers
Portraits of undergraduate design majors taken just before they graduate, with an object that inspires their creativity...a project of love.
Party of Eight
Time-based photography portraits create a motion-based, asynchronous gallery of contemporary food service workers from a wide gamut of restaurant establishments.
View online exhibition.
Central Drive
Video installation considers the compression of time and space represented by California’s Interstate 5, particularly its passage through the Central Valley.
Read review.
Sexual Violence 2.013
Interactive visual database crowdsources an evolving definition of "sexual violence."
Feminism 2.013
Video installation highlights the views of five young women representing an emerging generation of new feminists in consideration of "rape culture."
Davis Media Access Postcards
Series of illustrated postcards to encourage community media participation and donations.
Back of the House
Large- and small-scale panoramic photographs of industrial kitchens and kitchen workers, printed on canvas.
Co-PI on range of interactive projects altering the way energy is experienced by consumers in order to reduce energy use and emissions.
Image of thesis project by Hannah Park.
View website.
Digital Glaze
Interactive wall creates experience of painting with clay.
Premiered at the Crocker Museum of Art
Karen Karnes Kiosk
Interactive kiosk exploring the life and work of Karen Karnes (ceramacist), made in DES 157, Interactive Media II.
Double Vision
Poster for Occupy Movement, in response to the pepper spray incident of peaceful protestors at UC Davis.
With Jesse Drew.
Published by media outlets worldwide.
U R What U Eat
Nunc blandit nisi ligula magna sodales lectus elementum non. Integer id venenatis velit.
Party of Eight
Time-based photography project. Portraits create a motion-based, asynchronous gallery of contemporary food service workers from a wide gamut of restaurant establishments. Viewers are invited to hear the concerns, hopes and dreams of people
who hoist the trays, clear the tables and wash the dishes; displayed ala "portrait hall style." Portraits shown in black and white and stereo-video.
Read review.
Suburban Chicken
Viewmaster reel portraits of Davis chickens with their owners.
Keep on Truckin'
Time-based portraits of truckdrivers speaking on the work of truckdriving and the importance of California's Central Valley to the US.
View website.
Mirror Mirror
Interactive video database using motion detection that poses as foggy mirror that gives personalized messages of love.
Love Me, Kiss Me
Interactive installation using live camera data, motion detection and projection. Participants are followed and “kissed” by animated lips.
Be My Valentine
Interactive database based on candy valentines. Participants are prompted to create virtual, interactive candy hearts with personalized messages.
Still Life with Motion
Motion-sensitive, interactive video installation. Projected images reflect dichotomy of goods and evils, polarities every society has to come to grips with. Default image is a randomly changing video tableau of dryland fires, oil refineries,
landfill and environmental and social destruction. Polar images of wind turbines, ecological agriculture and social amelioration can only erase their opposites through the massing of bodies in the public space (potentially urban streets)
before it or through vigorous motion.
Melissa Chandon
Eight-minute video portrait of an artist. Uses a cinematic style that references the notable minimalist style with which Chandon paints, visual explorations describe location, object and the process of creative research and making.
Direct Quote: Women Speak Out on the Palin Nomination
Women respond to a community call to make statements on (against) the Palin nomination to counter the media narrative that "all women support Palin."
Hands That Feed
Series of five trading cards that consider and celebrate the role of immigrant labor in the US food economy.
Reviewed in Bitch Magazine.
Mano a la Boca (Hand to Mouth)
Video installation considers immigrant workers as “alien hands” and “faceless” to general public. Referencing field labor work, viewers stoop bent back to view video monitors held by “planted,” mechanical hands.
Extranjero Manos (Alien Hands)
Series of re-labeled agricultural sacks with graphics and message that reads, "Behind every kitchen door, the US is fed by alien hands."
\ UN / RAV \ EL /
Interactive exploration considers range of textile innovations, from industrial revolution to local trends of San Francisco; from machine-made to hand-made to child-made.
Bodies In Motion
Live video projection explores movement in consideration of surveillance technology and culture.
Rocket's Alphabet
Screen-based, interactive alphabet.
Where Have All The Flowers Gone?
Video database explores cultural semiotics of color.
Collaborative project with Valerie Soe.
Mission Window
Installation with digital projection explores internal and external space within the context of one San Francisco apartment building.
Performance project explores the Philippine American War and effects of “struggle” on Bay Area Filipino youth.
Teller Machine
Installation explores political economy through familiar interface of an ATM machine.
Collaboration with Jesse Drew.
The Paper Tiger TV-ROM
Explores the history of Paper Tiger Television, as well as history of media and communications.
A Space: The Final Frontier
Experimental documentary addresses parking issues in San Francisco.
Who Owns the Internet
Window installation exploring privatization of media.
Hired, Tired, Fired
Mock magazine covers critically and humorously address the prevalence of white males in the high-tech industry and suspicious absence of women and people of color.
Finally Got The News
A Paper Tiger Television monthly, alternative look at news. Investigative, humorous, insightful critique of/alternative to, conventional news.
Welcome to the Crossroads
Window installation explores ownership of communications and public access.
The Single Tingle
Experimental, super-8, interactive film exploring women's stories of discovering their sexuality and common myths about masturbation.
Being Some Body
Experimental, optically printed, 16mm film exploring body image and the media.